

If you wish to cancel your subscription, follow these easy steps.

  1. Log in to your account and navigate to the Subscription tab.

  2. Click on Cancel Subscription and provide any necessary feedback (optional).

  3. Confirm your decision, and your subscription will be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle.

After cancellation, you can still access the software until the expiration date.

We would love to know what we can improve

We value your feedback and hope you've had a positive experience with our software. As your feedback and suggestions play a crucial role in shaping our future developments, we encourage you to share your thoughts on how we can enhance your experience with our software.

Please take a moment to provide your valuable insights by reaching out to our customer support team or using the feedback form on our website. Your feedback will directly influence our efforts to deliver a more seamless and satisfying software experience for you. Thank you for being a part of our journey towards continuous improvement!


Of course we are always excited to have you as a customer again in the future. For reactivation or further assistance, contact our support team.

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