Files and folders: structure guidelines

Files and folders: structure guidelines

The purpose of this structure is to navigate easier, keep our folders tidy and to prevent old and outdated files laying around. We also want to prevent the new structure from deteriorating quickly, so by following the guidelines below we can avoid that from happening. By doing all this, we should be able to save time and find relevant assets and information quicker.

Folder structure

  • The public design folder holds the resources anyone in the company (marketing, etc) is free to use. Here we store delivered and done files.

  • The internal design folder is for internal use in the Design team. Here we store project files, templates, editable files, etc. If you are not in the design team, please ask before using files from here.

  • The archive folder is for files that are not in use any more. Please don’t use these files.

Folder categories

All design folders are divided into 3 major categories: Company, Marketing and Products.


The Company folder is used for our Brand and Employee content. The folder is divided into separate sub-folders, for example:

  • Brand is for everything concerning the brand, like Logotype, Guidelines, Icons and our Website

  • Employee_Images is for our Employee and Team images

  • etc.


The Marketing folder is used for everything marketing related—events, newsletters, social media, blog posts, etc. You can also find all the product marketing material under Products, where the material is divided under each product.


The Products folder is used for product related material, divided under each product. Here you can find Conceptual models, Themes and Documentation images.

In the Design folder there is also folders for General UI design project files for the developers.

Naming conventions

To keep the folders neat and tidy and to be able to search for files efficiently it's a good practice to name your files accordingly and include relevant search words.

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